Users with an Admin role, such as office staff, can use the Med Entry tab to pend a prescription for clinical staff to review and send to the pharmacy. Medications can be saved to the Pending Rx list with or without Sig Instructions and Dispense Information. Prescribers will see a patient's Pending Rx list on their Compose Rx and Med Entry tabs. Prescribers can also view a complete list of all pending prescriptions at their practice from the Tasks page.
Create a Pending Prescription
- Enter the drug name in the Drug Search field from the Med Entry tab, then click the Drug Search button. Enter the first four to five letters of the drug brand or ingredient name to return the best results.
NOTE: Filters are available in the Drug Search drop-down. These allow you to include obsolete drugs or to limit the search to ophthalmic drugs.
- Search results display. If there are many results, each category of drug will be minimized by default.
Click on the Drug Name to expand the category and show the specific formulations. - Select the Preferred Formulation to add it to the patient's Pending Rx list.
NOTE: You can modify your search results or view additional drug information from the Search Results window:
- Click Show Brands to display search results for other brands sharing the same active ingredient.
- Click Monograph to link to Lexicomp.
- Click on the Formulary Coverage link in the column on the left to review therapeutic alternatives.
- Once the medication has been added to the Pending Rx list, click the Edit button to add Sig Instructions and Dispense Information. (Complete Sig instructions and Dispense Information are not required for Pending Prescriptions.)
NOTE: The name of the nurse or staff member who created the pending prescription displays in the Source column under the prescriber name.
- Enter Sig Instructions and Dispense Information, then click the Queue Rx button.
- The medication is saved to the Pending Rx list.