Welcome to NewCrop v2! Because your Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is integrated with NewCrop, getting started is easy. Use this outline to track your progress toward mastering the e-Prescribe process and optimizing your experience.
You can also Download a PDF Copy of the Checklist Items and Corresponding Links Here.
NewCrop integrates with your EMR, so you can begin e-Prescribing right away. The amount of additional patient data that can be integrated depends on the EMR.
Your primary workflow within NewCrop will be to electronically transmit a prescription to a patient pharmacy.
Providers who are registered for EPCS can use NewCrop to prescribe controlled substances. Providers can register for EPCS through NewCrop and set up internal EPCS account administrators.
NOTE: EPCS is optional and requires EMR vendor certification.
You have the ability to customize options in NewCrop in order to streamline and improve your workflows. These features can really save you time! You can also manually add in patient data if it was not integrated with NewCrop.
- Add Additional Patient Information:
- Create Medication Favorites
- Create Drug Sets
Customize Account/Prescriber Settings:
- Time Zone
- Default Height and Weight Units
- Preferred Notifications
- Prescription Information
- Customize the Sig Builder
- Create a Location Pharmacies List