SureScripts requires height and weight for all electronic prescriptions for pediatric patients. A pediatric patient is defined as a a patient that is less than 19 years of age.
If the prescriber’s EHR sends height and weight to NewCrop when writing Rxs, there is no further entry needed. If a prescriber’s EHR does NOT send height and weight or the prescriber logs directly into NewCrop, the height and weight will need to manually entered for a prescription to be either printed* or electronically transmitted. Manually entered height and weight are stored for 14 days from entry, meaning that height and weight will not need to be reentered if another Rx is transmitted during the 14 day window.
*A printed prescription does not need to include the height and weight but the information must be entered in order to print the Rx.
If height and weight must be manually entered, there will be a box at the top of the Compose tab which alerts the prescriber about the entry requirement.
Entry can be done before any prescriptions are written, meaning there are no prescriptions in a Pending status:
Entry can also be done after a prescription is written and the prescription is in a Pending status:
If entry is not completed, the prescriber will stay on the Compose tab:
Once entered, click Save:
Once Save is clicked, the alert is dismissed and disappears, and the prescription can be processed as usual:
For questions regarding manual entry of height and weight, please contact your EHR.