This report shows providers that have signed up for EPCS and providers whose license keys have been renewed with Exostar. This report reflects all new Exostar registration dates. The renewal dates are shown, starting the end of August 2019 to present.
Click select next to the Account name, demo demo:
Choose the date you would like to review this information then click Exostar License Report:
You will now see providers in the list below. * You can copy and paste this list into excel and manipulate any way you choose:
*Please see how these columns should be read:
LicenseDate1 – This is the date that the license key will expire. (NewCrop will automatically renew the license key unless the provider has been marked inactive.)
CreatedTimestamp – This is the date the provider originally started registration with Exostar. This is NOT the date the provider completed registration in NewCrop.
LicenseDate2 – This is the date the provider’s license key was last renewed. If the provider has not yet had their license key renewed, this will show the date of 12/31/1999.