Address prescriptions that failed to transmit to the pharmacy from the Tasks page. From here, you can resend or cancel a prescription, report a prescription as missing, or request prior authorization. You can also delete a failed notification from the Task page. Deleted prescriptions are removed from the Tasks page but remain on the active medications list.
NOTE: Use the Show CS checkbox at the top right to include or hide scheduled drugs on the Tasks page. Select or deselect the Show CS checkbox, then click the Filter button.
Use the Print icon at the top left to print the Tasks page. The page will display with any filters selected.
Jump to Section: [Address Individual Failed Prescriptions] [Delete Failed Prescriptions]
Address Failed Prescriptions
- Click on the Patient Name in the Failed Prescriptions section from the Tasks page.
NOTE: You may need to scroll through other task sections to get to the Failed Prescriptions section at the bottom of the Tasks page.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the Rx Details page and click on the appropriate button to address the failed prescription:
Resend Rx: Retransmit the prescription. This is not available for controlled substances.
NOTE: Click the drop-down arrow next to Reprint Rx to select Reprint Rx. This is not available for controlled substances.
- Report Missing Rx: Notify NewCrop of a prescription that the pharmacy or patient has indicated they did not receive. NewCrop will then work with Surescripts to investigate.
- Cancel Rx: Notify the pharmacy that the prescription is not to be filled or to cancel any remaining fills. This feature will not be available if the pharmacy does not support the receipt of cancellation messages.
Request PA: Create a new prior authorization for the prescription.
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Resend Rx: Retransmit the prescription. This is not available for controlled substances.
Delete Failed Prescriptions
- Click the Checkbox next to the Patient Name in the Failed Prescriptions section from the Tasks tab.
NOTE: Providers can select and delete multiple prescriptions at the same time. Click the Checkbox at the top of the column to select all the prescriptions listed.
- Click the Delete button. A message will appear to confirm the action.
- Click the Yes, Delete button.
NOTE: The prescription is removed from the Failed Prescription list but remains on the Active Medication list.